Objavljena brošura: Agrobioraznolikost – mjere za prilagodbu klimatskim promjenama u poljoprivrednom sektoru Post Author:admin Post published:5. veljače 2024. Možda nešto kao Objavljen rad: Adaptation to Climate Change in Adriatic Croatia—The View of Policymakers 24. travnja 2023. Objavljen rad: Chilling and Freezing Temperature Stress Differently Influence Glucosinolates Content in Brassica oleracea var. acephala 4. veljače 2022. Objavljen rad: Salinity Stress as an Elicitor for Phytochemicals and Minerals Accumulation in Selected Leafy Vegetables of Brassicaceae 4. veljače 2022.
Objavljen rad: Adaptation to Climate Change in Adriatic Croatia—The View of Policymakers 24. travnja 2023.
Objavljen rad: Chilling and Freezing Temperature Stress Differently Influence Glucosinolates Content in Brassica oleracea var. acephala 4. veljače 2022.
Objavljen rad: Salinity Stress as an Elicitor for Phytochemicals and Minerals Accumulation in Selected Leafy Vegetables of Brassicaceae 4. veljače 2022.